News of Alums & Friends
Luther Young (2022), has started a new appointment at Boston University School of Theology as Assistant Professor of Religion and Society. In addition to his research, Luther is an ordained Disciples minister, youth advocate, and author of children’s religious materials. Since 2020, he has been chair of the executive council for Disciples LGBTQ+.
Wallace Bubar, former resident, will become Senior Minister and Head of Staff at First Presbyterian Church of Granville, Ohio, beginning February 1. He had been Senior Pastor of Central Presbyterian Church of Des Moines, Iowa, since 2015.
Sympathy to Jonathan Stockdale (1990) (Zoe Donnell) and his siblings Mark (Nancy Gruber) and Jennifer (K.C. Helmeid) on the death of their mother, Patricia Gibson Stockdale on December 12 in Seattle at age 95. Pat was predeceased by her husband, James E. Stockdale (1952), DDH alumnus and long-time trustee whose ministry at the former University Christian Church in Seattle was honored by the renewal of DDH's courtyard.
On December 14, South Elkhorn Christian Church in Lexington, Kentucky where alumnus Michael Swartzentruber (2007) is senior pastor, hosted "Drive Through Bethlehem": a live-scene telling of the birth of Jesus that invites adults and children to see "the unexpected king who came to unexpected people."
W. David Hall (1989), W. George Matton Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Centre College, has published a new book with Fortress Press, "How to Think Philosophically."
Yvonne Gilmore (2001) Vice President and Chief of Staff of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), spoke on Monday evening, November 11, with the Disciples History and Thought seminar about the life, ministry, and vision of Sarah Lue Bostick, also the subject of her upcoming book.
A conference on Religion, Social Criticism, and the Moral Imagination, November 11–12, honored Professor Richard B. Miller (former resident) on his retirement from the Divinity School.
Raymond Williams (1960) has published an invited article in the Illinois Geographer for a special issue on relligions. His topic was "Swaminarayan Hinduism in Chicago." He regularly publishes guest columns in The Journal Review newspaper of Crawfordville, Indiana. His latest, 'Are you ready for a religious revival? was published November 23, 2024.
Keri Anderson (2013) and Kiva Nice-Webb (former resident) co-facilitated Colonization and Christianity, a pro-reconciliation/anti-racism continuing education workshop for the Christian Church in Illinois & Wisconsin this past fall.
W. David Hall (1989) and Kris Culp (1982; dean) have been elected co-presidents of the Association of Disciples for Theological Discussion (ADTD).