In Memoriam: Katherine A. Dey

Katherine A. Dey, friend of Disciples House Scholars and benefactor, died October 5, in Arlington, Virginia, due to pneumonia complications. She was 96. In a quiet, determined way, she established two named scholarships at the Disciples Divinity House, the M. Elizabeth Dey Scholarship and the Drum and Tenant Scholarship. The first scholarship remembered her beloved grandmother, "Mom." Ms. Dey saw the opportunity to remember her in a way that reflected "her life, her concern for others, her religious convictions and insight into human nature, and what she meant to me." The second scholarship fulfilled her friend Florence Drum's desire to honor her own mother, Eleanor Tenant. All four women--Katherine and Elizabeth Dey, Flo Drum and Eleanor Tenant--were "doers" associated with the Wilson Boulevard Christian Church in Arlington. DDH alumnus Ray Schultz was the pastor of the church during a formative period. Katherine Dey sought to pass this heritage of strength and action to next generations of ministers and church leaders.
Born March 21, 1921, Katherine and her sister Frances were reared on Wilson Blvd. by their paternal grandparents, M. Elizabeth and Edward S. Dey. After 1939 graduation from Washington-Lee High School, she worked as a typist in the Arlington Circuit Court Clerk's office until 1942 when she moved to Jacksonville, Florida, to work on National Defense projects. For over two and a half years, she worked as a Class A Welder at the St. John's River Shipbuilding Company, where 61 Liberty Ships were built and launched. When the contract completed, she went to work as an Aircraft Mechanic for a year at the Jacksonville Naval Air Base, repairing war-damaged fighter aircraft wings and replacing glass windows. In 1948, Katherine began her 32-year service with the Department of Defense, National Security Agency, retiring in 1980.
She was a lifetime member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). In 1974 she was the first female church board chair and one of the first two female elders elected in the Capital Area of the Christian Church. In 1983, she became a volunteer driver in the Community Volunteer Services Division of the Arlington Chapter, American Red Cross; three years later, she became volunteer Transportation Coordinator, continuing for over 10 years. In recognition of her exemplary volunteer service, Katherine was awarded the first Chapter Board Chairman's "Inspiration Award" in 1994. In 2010, she was recognized for 27 years of voluntary service to the Arlington Red Cross Chapter. She had served a total of 23,375 volunteer hours. She is survived by loving cousins and devoted friends who cherish her legacy of humor, generosity, and faith. Her sister, Frances predeceased her. Memorial contributions can be made to the Disciples Divinity House or to the First Christian Church of Falls Church, Virginia.