Senior Ministry Presentations

Several Senior Ministry Presentations will be given at the Disciples Divinity House this spring. The culminating project for all MDiv students at the University of Chicago Divinity School is the ministry thesis and its presentation. This year, many of the graduating students are also part of the DDH community, either Disciples scholars or Ecumenical residents, and the DDH Common Room will host their presentation. Here is the schedule:
Monday, April 16: Colton Lott, "A Theological Exploration of the So-Called Dying Church." 7:00 pm at DDH
Monday, April 23: Virginia White, "Be Thou My Vision?: Moral Perception in a Neoliberal World." 7:00 pm at DDH
Tuesday, May 1: Josh Menke, "The Eschaton Nearby: Contestations of Space and Time at Standing Rock." 7:00 pm at DDH
Monday, May 7: Jonathan Cahill, “Can Two Walk Together? The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada and the Community of Disciples of Christ in Congo.” 7:00 pm at DDH
Monday May 14: Hannah Fitch, “Posture and Praxis: A Role for an Evolving Church.” 7:00 pm at DDH
Tuesday, May 15: Luke Allgeyer, “You Are a Pilgrim and This Is a Pilgrimage," 7:00 pm, Swift 106
Friday, May 25: Nadan Cho, “As the Spirit Leads: Reimagining and Experiencing the Holy Spirit in the Modern Particularity.” 6:00 pm at DDH