Winter quarter begins January 11

Ayanna Johnson Watkins, Lead Organizer for MICAH (Memphis Interfaith Coalition for Action and Hope), a coalition of community and faith-based organizations, will preach for the first chapel service of the winter quarter on January 11. She is a joint MDiv and MA in Social Service Administration graduate and a current member of DDH's Alumni/ae Council. She previously led NBA's Incubate initiative, and had served as a new church minister in residence at DDH. She is back by popular demand after participating in a panel discussion during the autumn quarter.
She heads a calendar of diverse offerings for the quarter. On January 25, alums Tabitha Isner, a former Alabama congressional candidate, and Rob Wilson-Black, CEO of Sojourners, will discuss "Religion and the 2020 Election." On February 15, Erin Galgay Walsh, Assistant Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the Divinity School, will present, "Speaking in Her Voice: Late Antique Poets and Biblical Storytelling." On March 8, alumna and Gilead Church co-founder Rebecca Anderson will take up storytelling in a different vein with "Campfire Stories."
The quarter will also feature the preaching of House Scholars Aneesah Ettress and Sarah Zuniga in the February and March chapel services. W. Clark Gilpin advances teaching and learning with two sessions of the Disciples History and Thought Seminar, both in February. All programs will convene virtually during the winter quarter.