Unity and global challenges: Report on the Karlsruhe WCC Assembly

October 24, 2022 -  

Four current or recent House Scholars traveled to Karlsruhe, Germany, to attend the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, August 31 to September 8. With the theme, "Christ's love moves the world to reconciliation and unity," the Assembly deliberated, sang, and prayed together. Attendees and communions built relationships and joined together to address global concerns--climage change, indigenous peoples' rights, economic justice, and for just peace in areas of conflict. In attendance were some five thousand participants from the 352 member churches. An international delegation of Disciples attended, including a good contingent from DDH. House Scholars Justin Carlson and Alexa Dava with alumnus Jack Veatch reported on the experience for the Board of Trustees on October 21.