Made for this: Dava ordained

Alexa Dava, a 2023 MDiv graduate, was ordained to the Christian ministry on May 12 at Gilead Chicago, her home congregation. This season, Gilead's worship services are taking their theme from the refrain of a popular song that asks, "What was I made for?" In her sermon, co-pastor Rebecca Anderson spoke about a vocation of interpretation. CCIW Associate Regional Minister Eli Rolon led the service of ordination. They and the congregation affirmed that Alexa was, indeed, "made for this calling."
Alexa serves the World Council of Churches (WCC) as Project Officer on Human Dignity and Reproductive Health, working with member churches throughout the world. A letter from the WCC General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Jerry Pillay, also affirmed her call: The long tradition of [Disciples] leadership in ecumenical movements is strengthened by your ministry and commitment to gender justice.... Your ordination today helps to continue that great tradition of journeying together toward justice, reconciliation, and unity.