Miller-McLemore explores “calling”

At a DDH Forum on Monday, February 24, Bonnie Miller-McLemore discussed the complexities of calling and vocation--that it can change over our lives, that it can be something we didn't choose, that we can have more than one calling, and that they may conflict. She presented findings from her new book, Follow Your Bliss and Other Lies about Calling (Oxford University Press, 2024). Drawing on memoirs, biographies, and fiction, it guides the reader through six dilemmas one may face throughout life, from missed or conflicted callings to unexpected or relinquished passions. An alumna, she is the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Professor of Religion, Psychology, and Culture Emerita at Vanderbilt Divinity School. Pictured with her are (l to r): Kylie Winger, Isabelle Garcia, Miller-McLemore, Morganne Talley, and Delaney Beh.