Chapel Windows Featured

November 11, 2010 -  

The stained glass windows in the Chapel of the Holy Grail were featured in a tour of stained glass in Chicago this fall and in a just-published newsletter. The September tour was offered by the Charles J. Connick Stained Glass Foundation of Boston. The tour viewed windows that were designed by the Connick Studios: the 1928 windows at the Disciples Divinity House and those at Fourth Presbyterian Church, Bond Chapel, University Church, and the Quadrangle Club, among others. Former DDH resident Albert M. Tannler, who is Historical Collections Director, Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation, and a director of the Connick Foundation, was a co-organizer of the tour and authored the newsletter article. The chancel window depicts motifs, figures, and scenes from the story of the quest for the holy grail; the stunning window gave the chapel its name. (The central panel of the lower portion of the window is pictured to the left.)