Spring quarter features alumni/ae, current scholars, and more

March 21, 2014 -  

Spring quarter events promise an exciting array of conversations and intersections of scholarship, practice, and faith at the Disciples Divinity House. Alumni/ae from near and far will lead a number of forums and crucial conversations. Don Burk, Warren Copeland, Marshall Dunn, and Steve Duvall, from the 1965-69 entering classes, will share their cohort's "Life Journeys" project with current House scholars and with members of the Board of Trustees and the Alumni/ae Council in late April. Laura Jean Torgerson and Tim Donaghy will reflect on their experience as missionaries in Theology without Climate Control: Reflections on Mission in Nicaragua on April 7. We also look forward to the return of alumnus William Wright, Associate Professor of Religion at Eureka College, as he preaches at chapel on May 5. Alumna Sandhya Jha, Director of Interfaith Programs for the Eastbay Housing Organizations, will speak at the DDH Convocation on June 13.

Current House scholars and residents are also among the speakers. MDiv student Hye In Park will present her senior ministry project and Jaewoong Jeon, a resident who is a PhD candidate in History, will speak about his research. PhD candidates Brandon Cline (ECL), Kristel Clayville (Ethics), Patricia Duncan (Bible), and Andrew Langford (Bible), who will lead a forum, Disciples and Biblical Interpretation. DDH Trustee Julian DeShazier, who is Senior Minister of University Church, and Bromleigh McCleneghan, Associate for Congregational Life at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, will also offer forums.