An ovation for Landon as he retires from HELM
Dennis Landon retired as President of Higher Education and Leadership Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) on June 30. He became president of the general ministry in 1997, when it was known as the Division of Higher Education. The ministry represents "over a century of organized Disciples commitment to the ministries of higher education as manifested in colleges and universities, campus ministries, and graduate theological education."
Dennis led the Board of Directors and staff in focusing on leadership development--"identifying, cultivating, equipping and supporting transformative leaders"--as the core work of the general ministry. The inauguration of HELM's Leadership Fellows program for Disciples college students was a centerpiece of the new focus; it also represented the creative marshaling of limited financial and staff resources and a response to a gap in recruitment of younger leaders. HELM also became known for zany and winsome interpretive work, especially at General Assemblies, that often featured Dennis and Leadership Fellows. Meanwhile, Dennis and staff continued to work with undergraduate institutions, campus ministries, graduate theological education institutions, and Disciples faculty to connect and strengthen those organizations' and individuals' work. An ordained Disciples minister who is a graduate of Columbia University as well as of the Disciples Divinity House and the University of Chicago Divinity School, Dennis Landon served as a minister in Disciples congregations and as the executive for a cluster of colleges before coming to HELM. He and spouse Lana Hartman Landon, who is herself a DDH alumna, are planning to move to Pennsylvania.