Alumni/ae Council
The Alumni/ae Council works to enhance relations among alumni/ae and to connect alumni/ae with current Disciples Divinity House Scholars, and thereby to support the work of the Disciples Divinity House.
The Council is composed of fifteen members who are elected to three-year terms. Officers and a slate of member classes are elected every two years. The Council meets annually.
The Distinguished Alumnus/a Award recognizes outstanding service and achievement by a Disciples Divinity House alumnus or alumna. The recipients have been exemplars of varied forms of ministry and service; in some sense, they have each defined these forms. The Alumni/ae Council receives nominations, selects the recipient, and presents the award, typically every two years at the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Aaron Smith and Laura Jennison Reed are Co-Presidents of the Council. They serve as ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees.
The current members are:
Class of 2021-25*
Amy Bertschausen
Charles R. Blaisdell+ (Aaron L. Smith to finish his term)
Laura Jennison Reed
Class of 2023-26
Brandon Cook
Timothy S. Lee
Aneesah Ettress Veatch
Class of 2024-27
Katherine Raley Alexander
Cheryl P. Jackson
Carol Jones Sherman
Class of 2025-28
Mark Miller-McLemore
Andrew Packman
Sarah Zuniga
* The terms of some classes were extended an additional year during the pandemic.