Heidi Haverkamp
Director of Programs, Writer-in-Residence, Assistant Administrator

A 2006 MDiv graduate of the Divinity School, Heidi Haverkamp is the author of five books, including Holy Solitude (2017), Everyday Connections: Reflections and Practices for Year C (2021), Year A (2022), and Year B (2023). Heidi is an award-winning contributor to the Christian Century, a spiritual director and retreat leader, an Episcopal priest, and a former parish rector in Bolingbrook and Chicago. She grew up in Hyde Park and recently returned to the area.
Heidi began a fifteen-month "residency" in July 2024. She doesn't actually live in the building, but she attends to DDH as a physical place, ethos, student residence, and educational institution. She oversees Monday dinners and work with students and the dean to enrich worship, the arts, critical inquiry, and theological dialogue through Monday programs. Through ongoing student interactions, her lived example of being a writer, and programmatic initiatives, she helps to build community capacity for living, learning, thinking, worshipping, and working together.