Alumni/ae at General Assembly

Telling Stories

On Monday, July 31st, DDH will co-host a StoryHour with The Proclamation Project and The Church Narrative Project.

Gather together with us in the Marriott Hotel at 8:45pm after worship and be led into moments of levity, tales of triumph, expressions of vulnerability, and the wonders of discovery as storytellers recount "Eureka!" moments in which they realized something and saw the light.

Several DDH students and alumni/ae will be participating in this event: Lee Hull Moses is the Director of the Proclamation Project, Yvonne Gilmore is providing leadership to the Church Narrative Project, and Rebecca Anderson is coaching and consulting with the event's storytellers.

Storytellers include current House Scholar Justin Carlson, recent graduate Alexa Dava, alumnus Michael Swartzentruber and alumna Stephanie McLemore.


Alumnae/i Aneesah Veatch and Sarah Zuniga will lead a workshop titled "Art, Activism, and Resistance," co-facilitated by La Lucha a NBA Peer Wellness Group, directing attendees into a time for rest and retreat mediated through the arts.

Alumnus Beau Underwood will lead a workshop on confronting Christian nationalism, an important corrective for our churches in this time.