News of Alums & Friends

Judith Guy, Disciples Divinity House Scholar, and candidate for ordination in the Christian Church in Illinois and Wisconsin, writes about the universal church and what "church" means to her. Her reflections have been published on the CCIW website

Brandon Cline (1999) was ordained on March 28 during the chapel service of Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, Texas, where he is the Senior Major Gifts Officer.

On Sunday, March 26, Danielle Cox (2012) was installed as Senior Minister of First Christian Church, Texas City, Texas. She had previously been serving as Transitional Minister.

With sadness and gratitude for her life, we remember Deirdre Louise Jackson Jones (2007). She died March 23, 2017, in Chicago. She was 46. Born in Des Moines, Iowa, on October 27, 1970. As she would later narrate in story-telling events, she battled and triumphed over cancer as a teenager. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University (Transportation Logistics) in 1994. She made her home in Chicago, marrying Lewis Jones in 2003. They have three young sons, Lawrence, Lance, and Logan, who was born just last summer. Deirdre and Lewis were founding members of the Family of Hope Christian Church in Blue Island. She was a benefits administrator for Aon Consulting before beginning MDiv studies at the Divinity School in 2007 as a Disciples Divinity House Scholar. She later transferred to Chicago Theological Seminary, where she was a student at the time of her death. In addition to her husband and their sons, she is survived by her mother, Beverly Webster (Fred); father, Bernard Jackson (Sheila); and three siblings, Kendal, Aldan, and Tonya (Duncan). Services were held in Des Moines on April 1 and at Park Manor Christian Church in Chicago on April 22.

On March 23 at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, Kris Culp (1982) participated in a public seminar with other members of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches. The event was hosted by The Very Revd Prof. Iain Torrance, Pro-Chancellor of the University. It brought together seven theologians and ecumenists from around the world. They discussed their current work on theological foundations of "Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace" and how the WCC theme can inform the churches’ work for Christian unity.

John Emory McCaw, a member of the entering class of 1939, was born March 10, 1917. Happy 100th birthday! A celebration of his birthday took place on March 12 at Wakonda Christian Church in Des Moines, Iowa. 

Kristel Clayville (2001) will present “Avoiding Burnout: Self-Knowledge and Care for Dark Times” on February 16 at the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, University of Chicago. She is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, Indiana.

Floyd Knight (1985), who continues as a PhD student in Linguistics at Northern Illinois University, will present a paper entitled "Kairos, Thematic, and Extra-diegetic Time in Malory" at the Midwestern Conference on Literature, Language, and Media, April 7-8, 2017.

Grace Elizabeth Lord Williams, widow of John Norton Williams (1947), died February 5, 2017, in Naples, Florida. She was 98. Born in Malden, Massachusetts, she was raised in New Castle, Indiana. From 1942 until his death in 1965, she was married to Kenneth Moystner. In 1971, she married John Norton Williams, a DDH alumnus then serving First Christian Church in Connersville, Indiana. (He also served congregations in Kentucky and Ohio, and with the Arkansas Council of Churches and the Christian Church in Indiana.) They enjoyed 25 years together until his death in 1996. She worked at the Chrysler Corporation in New Castle during WWII and later at the IRC&D Motor Freight Co. in New Castle and Muncie, Indiana, until her retirement. Together Grace Lord Williams and John Norton Williams strongly supported the mission of the Disciples Divinity House. A generous gift through her estate ensures that their support will continue for future generations. She is survived by stepsons Dr. John N. Williams Jr. (Lucy) and Greg (Marla) of Indianapolis. Funeral services were held on February 11 in Naples. More here.

Sightings published "The Acquittal of 'Patient Zero'" by House Scholar and PhD student Mark Lambert on February 2.