News of Alums & Friends

Andrew Langford (Current Scholar) is serving as the part-time interim minister at Lakeview Church of Christ. He has been working in this congregation for the last six years. He is a PhD student in Bible.

Thandiwe Gobledale (2009) was ordained on August 24 at First Christian Church, Greensboro, North Carolina, where she served as a ministry intern and where Lee Hull Moses (2001; Trustee) is the Senior Minister. Thandiwe's parents, Tod and Ana Gobledale (1975), were there from London, England, where they serve as co-pastors. Cynthia Lindner (1978; Trustee) was among the participants. Thandiwe is now serving as a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) resident at Advocate Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois.

Congratulations to Kyle Rader (Former Resident) and Verena Meyer, who were married August 17 at Rockefeller Chapel and continued celebrations with a reception at DDH. Vy Nguyen (2004) was the best man and Ian Gerdon (Former Resident) was one of the groomsmen. Bethany Lowery (2006) and Bonnie Osei-Frimpong (2005) served as communion ministers. The ceremony was conducted in both English and German.

Dennis Landon (1970) had a perfect three out of three round in "Lightning Fill in the Blank" on NPR's quiz show, Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me! He was on the radio on July 28. If you missed it, you can still read or hear the limericks, his answers, and Paula Poundstone's commentary.

Congratulations to Beau Underwood (2006) and Casey Osterkamp who were married July 27 in Casey's home town of Columbus, Ohio. Both work in the Washington, DC, area: Casey is a consultant with IBM, and Beau works for Sojourners, where he was recently promoted to become Director of Advocacy and Campaigns. They met through National City Christian Church.

Jennifer Hope Kottler (1999) has founded SEED (Spiritual Energy Engagement and Direction) to offer spiritual direction and life purpose coaching. See her website and her blog, shifting the script.

McKinna Daugherty (2010) was ordained on August 3 at Saint Andrew Christian Church in Olathe, Kansas. Julian DeShazier (Trustee), Senior Minister of University Church in Chicago, where McKinna completed her field education, preached. Dean Kris Culp (1982) and Angela Kaufman (1995), Minister to the University at Texas Christian University, McKinna's undergraduate alma mater, also participated. McKinna will serve as Minister in Residence at Central Christian Church in Lexington, Kentucky.

On July 17, Joan Bell-Haynes (1995) was installed as the First Vice Moderator of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for the 2013-15 biennium. She is the Senior Minister of United Christian Parish of Reston, Virginia, and was a founding member of Ray of Hope Christian Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

Sympathy to Teresa Dulyea-Parker (Trustee), Regional Minister and President of the Christian Church in Illinois and Wisconsin, whose husband, Albert Dulyea-Parker, died on July 7 in Bloomington, Illinois. Al had been ill and had suffered some bad falls recently. The memorial service was held July 12 at First Christian Church, Bloomington, Illinois.

Effective July 1, Rob Wilson-Black (1991) became the Chief Executive Officer of Sojourners, a national Christian organization committed to faith in action for social justice that is based in Washington, DC. He previously served as the organization's chief development officer. Rob, spouse Juli, and their three children live in Reston, Virginia.