News of Alums & Friends

House Scholar Laura Jennison Reed served as as a delegate with the Disciples Ecumenical Consultative Council (DECC) to the Uniting General Council of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Reformed Ecumenical Council this summer in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on June 18-28. The two groups are uniting to become the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC).

Sympathy to Howard Kennon, pastor of United Christian Church of Country Club Hills, on the death of his spouse, Doris Kennon, on July 8. Rev. Kennon and the congregation have supervised field education for a number of Disciples House students over the past years.

Daisy Machado (1989) became the Academic Dean of Union Theological Seminary on July 1, 2010, where she is also Professor of the History of Christianity. 

House Scholar Katherine Raley will serve Smyrna United Church of Christ in Canby, Oregon, this summer as an intern while their pastor is working in Africa with CARE. Also, she has been admitted to the School of Social Service Administration and will begin her third year of the joint MDiv/AM in Social Work degree program this fall.

Tod and Ana Gobledale (1975) have been called to serve St. Andrew's United Reformed Church and St. Michael's United Church (URC and Anglican) in Brockley, southeast London. They plan to move there in July.

House Scholar Alexis Vaughan will work at the Chatauqua Institute during summer 2010.

House Scholar Beau Underwood has accepted the position of Research Director for the re-election campaign of Bill Foster (Illinois) to the U.S. Congress. Beau anticipates receiving the MDiv and AM in Public Policy degrees this June. A service of ordination is planned for July 10 at the First Christian Church of Princeton, Illinois.

Former resident Margaret M. Mitchell, Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Literature at the University of Chicago, has been appointed the next dean of the University of Chicago Divinity School, effective July 1, 2010. See the press release.

Congratulations to Erica Brown, who has been named Director of Spiritual Life and Community Engagement at Wesley College in Dover, Delaware, beginning July 1, 2010. She previously served as Associate Chaplain at Northwestern University, and has recently been working with Family Promise of the Mahoning Valley (Ohio), a network of churches that provide temporary housing to homeless families.

 Congratulations to Spencer Dew (1998), who has been appointed a visiting instructor in the Religion and Philosophy Department at Iowa State University. Also, his book on Kathy Acker will be published by Hyperbole Press, an imprint of San Diego State Press.