News of Alums & Friends

In June, Ray Greenfield (2000) began the D.Min. program in pastoral and spiritual care at McCormick Theological Seminary---and stayed at the House. He reports that it feels great to be back in the classroom. He continues as the pastor of the Lewistown and Ipava Christian Churches.

In the June 2 issue of the Christian Century, Stephanie Paulsell (1985; Trustee) reflects on the importance of "thinking things through" in "Torturous Times." She suggests the relevance of Rabbi Gamaliel's counsel against torture in Acts 5. "The apostles' lives were saved because one learned man was willing to make his argument another way: through language, through history, through reason."

Congratulations to Ronald Hopkins (1999), who received the Doctor in Ministry degree on May 30, 2009, from Union Theological Seminary-Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond, Virginia. He is the minister of the First Christian Church, Petersburg, Virginia.

Chalice Press has just published an essential new resource for Disciples history, Room at the Table: Struggle for Unity and Equality in Disciples History, by Sandhya Jha (2001). Based on extensive research and interviews, the book recounts 200 years of multicultural Disciples history and the journey toward full recognition of and participation by racial ethnic groups within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Kent Dorsey (1982) is now the interim minister of First Christian Church of North Kansas City, Missouri.

Congratulations to Greta Davidson Hicks Gilbert and George Ryan Gilbert (2004) on the arrival of Amelia Davidson Gilbert on May 21, 2009, at 3:27 p.m. She weighed 7 lbs., 7 oz. and measured 19 inches long.

Michael Kinnamon (1973), General Secretary of the National Council of Churches, has urged the passage of a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives that calls upon the U.S. government to acknowledge "the verdict of history" by classifying the 1915 massacre of 1.5 million Armenians as a "genocide." Read the NCC press release here.

Congratulations to Joe Pettit (former resident), who has received tenure and been promoted to Associate Professor at Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland.

Chalice Press has published Disciples: Reclaiming our Identity, Reforming our Practice by Michael Kinnamon (1973) and Jan Linn. The authors lead congregations to reflect on who the Disciples have become and to examine reforms needed to move into the future, thereby undergirding the mission of peacemaking and compassionate service.

Vivi and John Weaver (1996) celebrate the birth of their son, Eben, on April 30, 2009; Eben has three sisters, Josephine (6), Adela (4), and Thessaly (2). Also, John has been named by Columbia University as the new director of The Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary, effective August 1, 2009. Double congratulations!