News of Alums & Friends

House Scholar Tish Duncan has received a PEO Scholar Award to support work on her dissertation during 2009-2010. Her dissertation will explore the single surviving instance of an early Christian “romance novel” and how it opens an alternative view of early Jewish-Christian relations in the Mediterranean world.

Lynchburg College has announced that Stephanie McLemore (1992) will become its new Chaplain and Director of Church Relations, effective July 1, 2009. She has served as the Associate Regional Minister of the Christian Church in Virginia for the past seven years.

David Vargas (1971; trustee) has published a new edition of a 1988 book by his father, Reverend Joanuin Vargas, titled Los Discipulos de Cristo en Puerto Rico: albores, crecimiento y madurez de un peregrinar de fe, constancia y esperanza 1899-1987. The book traces the journey of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Puerto Rico. It now includes additional photos, an appendix, introductory pieces, and a study by Carmelo Alvarez Santos. 

Kris Culp (1982) concluded three years of service as chair of the board of DisciplesWorld, Inc., on March 27. April Lewton (2004) continues as secretary of the corporation. Katherine Kinnamon (1977) has been elected to the DisciplesWorld, Inc., board beginning January 1, 2010.

Russell Fuller (1948) had surgery to remove his gall bladder in mid-March. He is now home after a twelve day hospital stay and is recovering slowly but steadily.

"Dancing backwards in high heels: Reflections on being a woman in ministry," by Amy Lignitz Harken (2000) was published in the winter 2009 inaugural issue of Just Women, a quarterly magazine developed by the International Disciples Women's Ministries. Also in the magazine: an exchange of letters between Cynthia McCrae and granddaughter Kiah McCrae Shepley. Kiah's grandfather and Cynthia's spouse is Ian McCrae (1947).

Amy Ziettlow and Michael Karunas (1995) announce the birth of Luke Michael Karunas on March 17, 2009, at 3:51 p.m. He was 21" long and 8 lbs, 0.3 oz.  They report that “Thomas and Isabella are delighted that they both have a baby brother, though Bella can't understand why ‘her’ baby won't play with her yet.”

House Scholar Santiago Piñón, Jr., and spouse Lizy are the proud foster parents of Gabriel, age 4. Gabe is enjoying Monday dinners at the Disciples Divinity House.

Lowell Handy (1979) has edited and introduced Psalm 29 through Time and Tradition in the Princeton Theological Monograph Series (Pickwick, 2009). His chapter, "Luther and Calvin on Psalm 29," explores Luther's supersessionalist reading versus Calvin's corrective reading based on close attention to the Hebrew text. The DDH library is grateful for his donation of a copy of the book; as a former DDH librarian, Lowell encourages fellow alumni/ae to consider doing the same.

Frank Burch Brown (1970) has published Inclusive Yet Discerning: Navigating Worship Artfully (Eerdmans, 2009). In addressing a situation in which worshiping communities today have access to more arts and styles from more times and places than ever before, he offers a practical theological aesthetic "with teeth but no fangs."