News of Alums & Friends
The Christian Church in Northern California and Nevada named Esther and Carl Robinson (1944) the third recipients of the region's Martin Luther King Jr Award on January 11 in recognition of lifelong work for justice and reconciliation.
Jackson Cobb, age 10, son of Katy McFall (1988) and David Cobb (1987) had the lead role in the Lynchburg College production of Amahl and the Night Visitors this December. Besides being stage parents and active in other community and church involvements, Katy works at Presbyterian Homes and Family Services of Virginia and David serves as senior minister of First Christian Church, Lynchburg.
Leverne Pfile (1961; former trustee) and Rolland Pfile (1960) report that 2008 was "an eventful year" in the Pfile household. Rolland underwent a long series of tests which resulted eventually in a diagnosis of serious sleep apnea and Leverne has been rebuilding her private practice after concluding work in the business sector. Rolland is now feeling much better and Leverne is grateful for the time that the shift in her work allowed her to devote to family needs.
Kindling Desire for God: Preaching as Spiritual Direction by Kay Northcutt (1985) was published by Fortress Press on January 1.
Chris Dorsey (2001) has been appointed Vice President for Development and Marketing at Chicago Theological Seminary.
In his 2008 holiday letter, Marvin Smith (1939; life trustee) cites the Chalice Introduction to Disciples Theology and Michael Kinnamon’s ecumenical leadership and theological vision as strong signs of hope for the Disciples of Christ. We extend sympathy to Marvin and his daughter with the loss of Emily’s husband, Herb Schwartz, to ALS this past April.
Mark Toulouse (1977) has been named the twelfth principal of Emmanuel College, effective January 1, 2009. Emmanuel, which is one of seven federated theological colleges within the Toronto School of Theology, is Canada's largest United Church Theological school. He leaves Brite Divinity School, where he has taught American religious history for 22 years and also once served as academic dean.
Marshall Dunn (1965) served as Acting Regional Minister in the Capital Area and as interim preacher for a Presbyterian congregation this past year, but notes, "I still most delight in my other job, watching 28 month-old Mia [granddaughter] one day a week. It is SO wonderful being such a big part of her life." Mia is the daughter of Kristen Dunn (1995) and Jon Thomason.
Paul and Kristin (Johnson) Dow (1992) welcomed the birth of Theodore Daniel on December 17, 2008. His sisters, Annie and Eleanor, were waiting his arrival. Kristin is one of the pastors of New Song Church, a Disciples of Christ Faith Community in Kansas City, Missouri.
Congratulations to Jaime Polson (1998) and Zack Flanagin, who became the proud parents of Isabella Claire Polson Flanagin on December 10, 2008, at 2:14 pm. She weighed 8 lbs and 2 ounces. Mother and daughter are doing fine.