News of Alums & Friends

Wallace Bubar (former resident) is now the minister of Overbrook Christian Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Congratulations to Carol and Don Browning (1956; Trustee), who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on September 27, 2008.

Several alumni/ae are contributors to The Chalice Introduction to Disciples Theology, Peter Heltzel, ed., published this fall by Chalice Press: Don Browning (1956), Kris Culp (1982), Clark Gilpin (1970), Michael Kinnamon (1973), Bonnie Miller-McLemore (1978), Mark Miller-McLemore (1975), Kay Northcutt (1985), Stephanie Paulsell (1985), Don Pittman (1976), Clark Williamson (1957), and Bill Wright (1995).

Bill Crowl (1962) concluded an interim ministry at Cherry Log Christian Church in north Georgia in September 2008. Patty Crowl retired in July after 8 1/2 years with the University of Chicago's real estate office.

We are sad to note the death of former trustee James Reed on September 1, 2008. He was the founding president of the Christian Church Foundation and a founder of DisciplesWorld magazine. Our condolences to Lucy Reed.

We extend sympathy to former trustee Harry Ratliff on the death of his wife Deborah on September 25, 2008.

On August 30 House Scholar Adam Frieburg and Heidi Havercamp, a Divinity School alumna and Episcopal priest, were married in Chicago.

Michael Karunas (1995), Senior Minister of First Christian Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, reports his city has been surprisingly hard hit by Hurricane Gustav. Hundreds of thousands of people are without electricity and may remain so for weeks.

Congratulations to Crista and Chad Martin (trustee) on the birth of Claire Elyse on August 11, 2008. She weighed 7 pounds and was 20 inches long.

Shane Isaac has been called to be the minister of Plymouth Creek Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Plymouth, Minnesota, beginning August 3, 2008. On May 28, he and House Scholar Tabitha Knerr became engaged to be married.