News of Alums & Friends
Lowell K. Handy (1979) has published Jonah's World: Social Science and the Reading of Prophetic Story (London: Equinox). Thanks to the author for a gift of his book to DDH's Willett Library.
Don Browning (1956) is recuperating well---and is back at work in the library---after being diagnosed with cancer of the duodenum. He underwent surgery on June 26 and will undergo a course of chemotherapy in the coming months. [December update: Don has responded well to chemotherapy and is pursuing a full schedule of research, writing, and speaking.]
Amy and John Cheadle Rich (2001) have moved to Evansville, Indiana, to take positions as Co-Executive Directors of Patchwork Central, a small inner-city non-profit ( Amy will also be teaching art in other places around town. She has a show coming up in January at a gallery near Dayton, Ohio, and was recently named an Ohio Visiting Artist by the Ohio Arts Council. John will be attending the University of Southern Indiana in the fall to pursue a degree in nursing.
On July 1, 2008, Kay Northcutt (1985) became the first incumbent of the new Fred B. Craddock Chair in Preaching at Phillips Theological Seminary. She was promoted to associate professor.
Ross Martinie Eiler (2002) reports that he, Andrea, and one year-old Paul have just moved to Bloomington, Indiana, where they are starting "a new ChristianRadical/Catholic Worker community."
Rachel Lindner (2004) is studying Arabic in Damascus this summer. She plans to study law and journalism at Northwestern University beginning this fall.
Ryan Gilbert (2005) was ordained to the ministry on June 15, 2008, at Woodland Christian Church in Lexington, Kentucky. He plans to serve a congregation in the eastern part of the state and live with his newly-wed wife Greta in Prestonsburg.
Kara Mooneyham (2000) is working for the Obama 2008 campaign. After volunteering in Iowa in December, she was hired as a field organizer for the North Carolina primary. She is now working as a field organizer in Las Vegas.
Congratulations to Kerry Waller (2000) and husband Ben Dueholm on the birth of their son, Soren Daniel, on June 5, 2008.
Three current Scholars took part in international delegations in June: Rebecca Anderson and Aaron Smith were in Venezuela as part of a delegation of seminarians sponsored by the Division of Overseas Ministries; Adam Frieberg was selected to travel to Bosnia with Week of Compassion.